Power of Enough


with Traci Hjelt Sullivan and Jackie Stillwell
March 24-27, 2025
(Monday to Thursday)

Program Description
Registration information


The central query we’ll explore: How can we balance our use of time, energy, and “things,” to free us for action to do God’s work and to contribute to right order in our community? We’ll explore this question in various ways, and by the end discern concrete actions in which this “power of enough” can manifest in our day to day lives.


is the General Secretary of Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR).  Traci has been active among Friends for more than thirty years. She spent a year as the Interim Executive Director for Pendle Hill. Prior to that, Traci worked for Friends General Conference for 13 years, first as the Manager of the FGC Gathering and later as Associate Secretary for Development. She and her husband ran the Ben Lomond Quaker Center, a Quaker conference and retreat center in northern California. During elementary school, Traci and her family lived in Ethiopia, Zambia and Botswana. She is a member of Green Street Friends Meeting in Philadelphia, and is currently worshiping at Chapel Hill Friends Meeting in North Carolina.




JACKIE STILLWELL is the immediate past General Secretary of Right Sharing of World Resources(RSWR), is a former clerk of New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM), and has facilitated this workshop at Quaker gatherings for many years.

See below for more information about registration, cost, meals, accommodations, and other logistics. Or you can proceed directly to REGISTER HERE.

The standard rate for the workshop is $375, with a sliding scale of $225-500. The fee includes program, lodging and food from Monday dinner through Thursday lunch. Commuter rate is $225. We are committed to financial accessibility: please pay what fits in your personal budget (at whatever amount), encourage your faith community to financially support your participation if that is appropriate, and let us know if you have additional questions related to fees. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to hold a space for a  program unless otherwise arranged. If you need to cancel, the deposit can be applied to a future workshop within 18 months. The balance is due at the beginning of the workshop.

Plan to arrive after 4:00pm Monday afternoon, in time for dinner at 6:00. The workshop will end by 2pm on Thursday. We are centrally located in western Massachusetts, close to both I-91 and Route 2. For those  arriving by car, we will send directions prior to the event. Please let us know if you’d be interested in car-pooling. The nearest Amtrak train station is in Greenfield (MA), ten minutes drive away. Vermont Transit and Greyhound bus lines also stop in Greenfield. Please contact us in advance to see if we can arrange a ride from these stations.

Our 19th-century farmhouse has hand-hewn beams and wide pine floors, with simple lodging (typically double occupancy) with shared bathrooms. The meetinghouse and the first floor of the main building are wheelchair accessible. Our rustic cabins have electricity, woodstoves and outhouses. We serve nourishing, home-cooked meals and always offer vegetarian options. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions. Part of the community building at each retreat includes the joyful sharing of meal chores and final clean-up.

Please bring your own toiletries, towels, and bedding (sleeping bag or sheets and blankets or comforter).  Pillows are provided. Be sure to bring seasonally appropriate clothes and comfortable indoor and outdoor footwear. You might also like to bring a flashlight, journal, art supplies, a book…
Please do NOT bring pets or candles.
We have limited internet access and cell phone reception. We encourage guests to consider how cell phone or computer use may detract from their experience of being fully present, here and now.

You can read Woolman Hill’s general Covid guidelines here. Please contact us if you have questions.

We look forward to welcoming you to the hill!

Click here to REGISTER ON-LINE for this program.