Wish List

The ultimate in recycling… Like many non-profits, Woolman Hill has traditionally been run on a shoestring budget. So we welcome any extra shoestrings we can get… But seriously, we love putting to good use items that have been dear to others and can now find a new home here on the hill.

Please contact us to confirm that what you have is what we want, and if it is, to arrange the hand-off. Here’s a sampling of OBJECTS (in good condition) that might currently be useful to us:

  • Gardening tools (loppers, pruning shears, clippers, pitchfork)
  • Lamps and lampshades
  • Rugs
  • Wooden and/or folding tables
  • Comfortable, sturdy wooden chairs
  • Cutlery, dishware, mugs, serving dishes (without chips)
  • That something in your closet or basement that you no longer want and you’re trying to get rid of, but that’s perfectly functional and we just haven’t thought to say we need it!

We also love being the beneficiaries of your skills and labor… Click here to see more about volunteering and workdays…