There’s lots of activity on the north end of campus these days! You can read all about it and see more details at the link below…
Hello and welcome to the Bean Patch! Our names are Alice Grendon and Dunan Herman-Parks, and we invite you to visit our website. The two of us are undergoing the process of revitalizing the land once farmed by long time activists and war-tax resisters Wally and Juanita Nelson, at Woolman Hill Quaker Retreat Center in Deerfield, MA. Through this endeavor we hope to carry on the Nelson’s legacy of embodying their values by living a life of non-harming, which removes the causes of violence. The two of us believe in practicing what we preach, and it is a strong commitment to a socially just, ecologically sound, and LOVEing world, that drives us to this work. Hence, we are restarting the small Bean Patch farm begun by the Nelsons, and living outdoors, off-grid. The Bean Patch- Growing WILDhearted, is an experiment in just consumption, in the Quaker way, in living in right order, in homesteading, in embodiment, and above all an experiment in Choosing Love. We hope you will explore this with us further!
See more at
This is important and valuable work that you are doing.! I applaud your commitment and look forward to watching your progress. Thanks so much for taking this on and best of luck!
I am so impressed with the work you are both doing to experience and teach us about sustainable and organic agriculture. I so respect the calling you felt to revitalize the land the Nelson’s used to live and eat “green.” Thank you both for being dedicated to this project.