Join in the Vision

Our vision is to provide a welcoming sanctuary where people come to be restored and inspired,
and leave with the strength to act out of love, sowing seeds of peace that lead to a world transformed.

Dear friend of Woolman Hill,                                                                                  

The exuberant sound of three children at play wafts through the windows into midweek worship, a joyous reminder of the freedom and connection that Woolman Hill offers. Not much later, sounds from the nearby gun range take over and two images from recent protests come to me: a young black girl wearing around her neck a sign saying “I matter”, and two other children wearing targets on their chests with the words “Am I next?”

This juxtaposition of the children at play and the children in the crosshairs, disconcerting as it is, seems spiritually honest. We are unlikely to resolve the tension in the short term. We are, however, called to work toward that resolution, and to honor that both realities exist. Woolman Hill creates the conditions for us to better hold the awareness, to let it enter us, fill us, and lead us forward…

This year we have hosted groups from a wide range of spiritual practices and religious expression; groups that focus on shifting perspectives on poverty and violence, on providing free legal aid to low-income residents, on strengthening the capacity to respond to crisis, on outdoor education and environmental initiatives. We’ve held programs on nurturing faithfulness, on applying Quaker values to parenting, on singing, silence, and more.

The board recently approved the above vision – along with guiding principles of sustainability and right relationship, accessibility and welcome – as part of its strategic plan for the next three years. (You can see more about the strategic plan at

We need your help so that Woolman Hill can continue to hold space for authentic connection, for being present with the land, with one another and with the Spirit. We depend on donations for 25% of our very modest operating budget. Gifts of all sizes are welcome.

Please help Woolman Hill sow seeds that lead to a world transformed.
You can donate on-line here.

With deep joy and gratitude,
Margaret Cooley
Executive Director

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