This was one of our busiest years yet – with groups of young people, faith communities, peer groups, activists, contemplatives, dancers, musicians, writers, and more… People aching for meaningful connection with others and with the Spirit; people longing for solitude and for time apart from the hustle and bustle of the world; people yearning to be surrounded by the beauty of meadows and woods, bird calls and coyote howls, soft breezes and starry skies. People experiencing profound moments of unity with the divine, unexpected insights, and tender explorations of new leadings. People engaged in productive sessions and community-building with colleagues, deep discussions and robust planning for tackling the world’s challenges.
This autumn an enthusiastic crew of volunteers planted 23 saplings around our main campus – including elm, birch, hickory, maple, oak, hackberry, and redbud. We are eager to see these new trees take root – imagining how they will greet future generations; and we likewise look forward to the growth of spiritual seeds that have been planted over the past year. After a long hiatus, we are joyfully returning to programs of our own with the well-loved year-end silent retreat, soon followed by a day of extended worship, and a family-focused weekend in the spring. With plenty of other ideas sprouting up, we’re excited for seasons to come.
We are committed to ensuring our spaces and programs are welcoming and financially accessible. We rely on donations to continue to offer nourishment to those hungering for spiritual sustenance, to maintain affordable rates, and to lovingly tend to our complex facility. Please join us in keeping this center for renewal and inspiration thriving; gifts of all sizes are welcome. Many thanks for your part in the Woolman Hill community.
With hope and gratitude,
Margaret Cooley,
Executive Director