Over the past year the board has been engaging in some initial strategic thinking as a result of a wonderful property planning process and document created by Conway School of Landscape Design students Anna Best and Beth Schermerhorn.
We asked Anna and Beth to present to us scenarios that would guide us in thinking about our property, including stewardship of the land (specifically in relation to agriculture and sustainable energy) and improvements in accommodations (specifically more accessible and more private lodging, as well as a bathhouse to serve cabin guests, tent campers, and larger groups).
The document they produced is chock full of fascinating information about the Hill – the environmental realities of the soil, slopes, and vegetation, as well as ideas for possible shifts in building use and/or construction.
It’s exciting to think about future projects and to learn more about what already exists here. At recent events, we’ve seen guests staying up late at night to peruse the beautiful booklet. You, too, can have fun seeing the full plan set electronically!
We welcome your thoughts, questions, suggestions… We’re interested in feedback that will help us better understand what’s important to you, Woolman Hill’s current fans, and what you think would best serve this blessed sanctuary and its guests in the future…
I’d a vision of a windmill, that might take about three acres, of the north, but you’d first have to have tolerance of a geodesic green house, and then we’d have to have some measure of the wind. If any would like a quaker protest of the pipeline, I don’t think anyone has yet prototyped a Verticle Axis Wind Turbine at the scale of Community Wind.