The TGP Northeast Energy Direct is a high-pressure natural gas pipeline proposed by Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. (“TGP”, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, L.P.) to run from Pennsylvania through New York state into Massachusetts at Richmond, in the Berkshires, through Franklin County into New Hampshire, reentering Massachusetts in Dracut, north of Boston, where it could join with existing pipelines that connect to the Massachusetts and Canadian coasts. The pipeline is intended to carry fracked gas from the Marcellus (and perhaps Utica) Shale. (
Proposed route in relation to Woolman Hill Retreat Center:
The proposed pipeline route would run contiguous with the electric power line that is the northern boundary of Woolman Hill’s property. The construction of the pipeline would necessitate removal of the tree-line that currently stands at the northern edge of the field, the only visible barrier between the field and the power line. The proposed route would also cross Keets Road (the dead-end road that leads to Woolman Hill) in three places, significantly hampering emergency response and evacuation should a pipeline malfunction occur.
Click on the following links to find:
OUR FIRST BLOG POST about the proposed pipeline
PUBLIC STATEMENT in opposition to the pipeline, released by the Woolman Hill Board and Executive Director in May 2015.
EXCELLENT RESOURCES about everything related to the pipeline:
No Fracked Gas in Mass
Massachusetts Pipeline Awareness Network (MassPLAN)
And there are some good background documents and research on the town of Deerfield’s website (scroll down to “Documents and Reference Materials”)
EXTENSIVE COVERAGE in the local Greenfield Recorder about the pipeline and opposition
PIPELINE PROCESSION and Introduction to Nonviolent Direct Action, August 29, 2015
IMPACT STATEMENT by staff of children’s programs (Journey Camp and Wolftree) who use Woolman Hill
A LAWSUIT has been filed on behalf of five plaintiffs, including Woolman Hill, challenging the taking of land by eminent domain for ‘public use’ when the majority of the gas is intended for export. You can see background information and the full text of the complaint at this link.
HERE ARE EXCELLENT RESOURCES for a comprehensive variety of actions you can take:, and
WRITE OR CALL your public and elected officials asking them to oppose the pipeline. This is critical! (At the above links you can find some good tips about what to include in the communications.)
FILE COMMENTS on-line during the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) process. You may submit comments anytime; those submitted before October 16 have more chance of being incorporated into the FERC review. See more info here:
PARTICIPATE in nonviolent direct action trainings if you are interested in learning more about nonviolence and/or possible actions in opposition to the pipeline.
KEEP INFORMED about the developments through the above websites and through Woolman Hill.
SHARE these updates with your meeting/local community.
DONATE to Woolman Hill to help defray pipeline-related expenses such as boundary survey, human resources and potential legal fees. Make donations on-line or by check (made out to Woolman Hill). You may also want to donate to other organizations working to oppose the pipeline.
PRAY, WORSHIP, MEDITATE, cast positive energy into the universe any way that works for you! Call on the power of the Spirit to nourish people, land and animals through this experience, wherever it leads…
Helen and I are part of a local group here to force the adoption of a town law banning fracking waste. We are up to speed on all things natural gas, pipeline expansion, and fracking. We are moving to Northampton in November and perhaps will want to get involved with WH protesting at that point. Hope it’s not too late.
Very glad that Woolman hHill is part of the lawsuit. HOPE WE WIN!